How many psychologists should you see in a life time?
I'm currently on 7...
I'm in no way ashamed of this fact. When I'm stuck for something to talk about, I always have my back up: my mental health. It took a VERY long time for me to find help with my OCD and anxiety issues. In fact, even though I had severe symptoms of both these things from around the age of 7 I was just classed as a 'shy, worrier' until I turned 17 and became more of a 'loud, piss head, worrier'. After 6 years of being on two different types of anti-depressants to manage my anxiety, I've decided to come off them again. So far, so good. But I saw another CPN (community psychiatric nurse) today anyway. One of the things he asked me was how I felt now compared to when I was taking sertraline. I said that I notice that I ruminate on things much more now. He replied 'with or without sertraline, you are still you. Not ruminating on these worries whilst taking sertraline is still you managing not to ruminate. It's not just the medication'.
I need to remember this. Managing to control my OCD and anxiety on sertraline is my doing, it's not down to a medication. If I can do it with sertraline, I can do it without.

Today that involved playing with Tillie's make up kit, which Jacob actually enjoys more than she does, I think. I love that he gets so involved with it, both taking it in turns to do each others' faces and nails. Absolute concentration from both of them. Amazing!
I need to remember this. Managing to control my OCD and anxiety on sertraline is my doing, it's not down to a medication. If I can do it with sertraline, I can do it without.
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