Starting the holidays with a semi zero plans day.

Mama Lina's blog has been a huge inspiration.

Her way of living is something I'd love to replicate - slow and relaxed. Last year, about a month before the 6 weeks holidays, I had filled out every single page of my diary with things that we could do. This year, my diary is empty. Today was the first day of the holidays - me and a friend decided to take the kids to the local park this morning, but this afternoon we were winging it. 

I've tried to introduce some of mama Lina's tips in terms of independent play and discipline, but I'm definitely still learning in that department. So when we got home, we had lunch and then.. nothing. It took a little while, and I did cave and let Jacob play on the iPad for an hour. But then that ran out of battery and he was basically forced to find something to do. Looking at my living room right now, it is a horrendous mess of play money, and cushions because the kids decided to make a den/house. Every single cushion in the house is currently on top of my armchair, including ones from Jacob's bed and Tillie's duvet. 

After a while we decided to have a walk to the shop, something I've not done with the kids in about a year as I used to avoid it at all costs. And yet, it was fine. It was easy. And we killed an hour.

We do have plans for tomorrow - a trip out to At1 Space with my mum for some food and zero waste shopping.

But next week is pretty much a big empty space.. Wish me luck.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash 


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