How long does it take to earn the title 'yogi'?
I've done pilates for a while now. I started practising it when I ruptured a disc in my lower spine (yes, it really was as bad as it sounds). At the time of starting, I couldn't even lie flat on my back. Lets just say, I am a massive pilates junkie, because if it wasn't for my teacher (and my amazing physio, too) I wouldn't be where I am right now. I was a miserable, crooked, stressed, agonising human being. I had zero positivity about ANYTHING. But, once I got my back straight again, I also started dallying in yoga. I've been going to a class for 2 months ish. I've been doing it at home, too. I even got myself a yoga mat so I feel prettttttty official if I'm honest. I'm a vegan who loves yoga - could I be anymore of a stereotype?!?!
I've been doing the sessions on YouTube for yoga with Adriene called the 30 day yoga journey. I LOVE how down to earth Adriene is, I seriously have been looking forward to each day so far! Here is the link to her website, which has the YouTube videos on there, too:
My 4 year old boy, Jacob, also loves doing yoga with me. We've recently got into doing 'cosmic kids' yoga. It is so much fun and it really helps him to calm down after a busy day. It also kills 30 minutes of the day when I feel like I'm losing the plot. Win, win!
Because of my history with 'mental illness' (if you haven't read the about me section of my blog, then basically, I have OCD with anxiety), I have been on anti-depressants on and off since 2011. Every time I have come off them has been pretty miserable, mainly because of events going on around that time (the two times I came off fluoxetine I was pregnant and the last time I came off sertraline I ruptured a disc) so not exactly the best situations to be coming off a medication I have heavily relied on! However, I have now been off my meds for a couple of weeks and I feel pretty good right now. I think a lot of that is down to how positive I've felt about my exercise routine and in particular the yoga. Mindfulness is something that really mixes in well with yoga, and I've been reading up on it in a book called 'Mindfulness for women'. I've read a lot of feedback from people with anxiety who have said that mindfulness has really helped them take back control. I'm not very far along on my mindfulness journey, but I can already feel the breathing techniques that I've learnt from that and yoga really help when I feel things are getting on top of me.
Not only mindfulness for me though, I've ordered some 'mindful monsters' from for Jacob. Hoping these will help alongside the yoga!
So, have you guys got any other ways of getting rid of negativity/anxiety/stress? Let me know! Comment below.
~Kirstie x~
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