Honey, Leave them bee
This year I am trying to be as zero waste as possible. If I need to buy something, I'm trying to first look if there's an alternative way of getting it without it being new. This has proven problematic however as I have currently spent about £50 on second hand sylvanian families bits for next Christmas!!!!!

BUT, despite now having now money, there is one thing I have still been buying new, and that's Heartcure clothing. They are a vegan company with a percentage of their profit going to an animal sanctuary. They're also non profit. In my eyes this makes it worth breaking my zero waste rule for. I have a couple of tops from them, but this one is my absolute favourite. 'Honey, leave them bee'. I love that people sit reading this and wondering what it means, because in all honesty up until September 2017 I wouldn't have had the faintest clue either. It is such an important message, though.
I was brought up in a vegetarian household. We didn't eat meat but we still drank cow's milk (I drank tons of it), still consumed eggs and still used honey. I couldn't understand why honey wasn't actually this super healthy, natural thing for us humans to consume. BUT... it really isn't. It is bad on so many levels. It's bad for the bees who make the honey (we are taking the honey they are storing up for winter, bee keepers then replace this with a sugar substitute that isn't anywhere near as good for them), which must be pretty annoying for them. The work bees put in to make honey is excruciating, we are effectively stealing their food. Sometimes bees are killed in the process of honey collecting (it's never good to kill a bee!!). This can also occur when it's time for the bees to swarm. In order to stop bees swarming to another hive (because less honey will be produced), bee keepers often clip the Queen bees wings, or kill and replace the Queen bee themselves.
There are alternatives to honey, you'll be please to know. Often, maple syrup can be used. But when that won't work you can substitute honey for coconut nectar. It's pretty much the same consistency as honey and when I've used it in baking/cooking, I've found no difference in taste either. You can buy it from Ocado and Holland & Barrett, amongst other health stores.
Everyone knows how important bees are to planet earth. So, please, leave them bee!!!!
You can buy Heartcure clothing and other merchandise from here!
BUT, despite now having now money, there is one thing I have still been buying new, and that's Heartcure clothing. They are a vegan company with a percentage of their profit going to an animal sanctuary. They're also non profit. In my eyes this makes it worth breaking my zero waste rule for. I have a couple of tops from them, but this one is my absolute favourite. 'Honey, leave them bee'. I love that people sit reading this and wondering what it means, because in all honesty up until September 2017 I wouldn't have had the faintest clue either. It is such an important message, though.
I was brought up in a vegetarian household. We didn't eat meat but we still drank cow's milk (I drank tons of it), still consumed eggs and still used honey. I couldn't understand why honey wasn't actually this super healthy, natural thing for us humans to consume. BUT... it really isn't. It is bad on so many levels. It's bad for the bees who make the honey (we are taking the honey they are storing up for winter, bee keepers then replace this with a sugar substitute that isn't anywhere near as good for them), which must be pretty annoying for them. The work bees put in to make honey is excruciating, we are effectively stealing their food. Sometimes bees are killed in the process of honey collecting (it's never good to kill a bee!!). This can also occur when it's time for the bees to swarm. In order to stop bees swarming to another hive (because less honey will be produced), bee keepers often clip the Queen bees wings, or kill and replace the Queen bee themselves.
There are alternatives to honey, you'll be please to know. Often, maple syrup can be used. But when that won't work you can substitute honey for coconut nectar. It's pretty much the same consistency as honey and when I've used it in baking/cooking, I've found no difference in taste either. You can buy it from Ocado and Holland & Barrett, amongst other health stores.
Everyone knows how important bees are to planet earth. So, please, leave them bee!!!!
You can buy Heartcure clothing and other merchandise from here!
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